پڇا ڳاڇا
ڪاربائيڊ بلڊ جي گريڊ کي ڪيئن چونڊيو

How to choose the grade of carbide blades

YG3: کاسٽ لوهه ۽ غير فيرس دھاتن جي مڪمل ڪرڻ لاءِ موزون؛

YG6X, YG6A: Suitable for finishing and semi-finishing of cast iron and non-ferrous metals. It can also be used for the processing of manganese steel and quenched steel.

YG6, YG8: Suitable for rough machining of cast iron and light alloy, and can also be used for milling of cast iron and low alloy steel.

YW1, YW3, YW4: suitable for finishing and semi-finishing of stainless steel and ordinary alloy steel.

YW2: stainless اسٽيل ۽ گهٽ مصر داتو اسٽيل جي نيم ختم ڪرڻ لاء مناسب، خاص طور تي ٽرين جي wheel hoop پروسيسنگ لاء استعمال ڪيو.

YT15, YT05: Suitable for finishing and semi-finishing steel and cast steel. Medium feed and high cutting speed should be used.

YT14, YS25: Suitable for finishing and semi-finishing steel and cast steel. Medium feed should be used. YS25 is specially used for the milling speed of steel and cast steel.

YT5: اسٽيل ۽ ڪاسٽ اسٽيل جي بھاري ڪٽڻ لاءِ موزون، وچولي ۽ گھٽ رفتار، ۽ خراب آپريٽنگ حالتن ۾ وڏي فيڊ روڪنگ.

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