Zhuzhou Retop Carbide Co., Ltd

Rea u amohela ho Retop carbide, molekane oa hau bakeng sa tharollo ea profeshenale indastering e sa mameleng.
Bokhoni ba rona ba boenjineri, tlhahiso le ho phethela lihlahisoa tsa sintered bo tsoa ho lilemo tse ngata tsa boiphihlelo ho qala ho tloha 2010.
Re sebelisa lisebelisoa tsa rona tse ikhethang ho etsa lihlahisoa tsa tšepe tse thata ka tlung. Ka ho khetheha, re fana ka lisebelisoa tsa ho itšeha, li-endmill, kenya, li-burrs. Lisebelisoa tsa PCD, lisebelisoa tse nepahetseng, likarolo tsa liaparo tsa tungsten carbide, molamu o joalo, poleiti, mehele, lihlahla, malebela a brazed, joalo-joalo.

Lihlahisoa tse se nang stardard le tse tebileng, le carbide bakeng sa indasteri ea oli le khase. Re khona ho arabela ka mokhoa o bonolo ho litakatso tsa bareki ba rona le ho fana ka keletso ea setsebi ho bareki ba rona le ho fumana litharollo tsa motho ka mong tse tiisang liphello tsa optimum.
Retop carbide e ikemiselitse ho fana ka litharollo bakeng sa maemo a thata ka theknoloji ea rona ea maemo a holimo ea machining e nepahetseng, tlhahiso le boenjiniere. Carbide ea ts'ebetso e phahameng ho fihlela tlhoko ea hau e phahameng ke khoebo ea rona.
bala haholoanyane
Likarolo tsa ho roala li-carbide, lisebelisoa tsa ho seha li-carbide, li-carbide tsa oli le moetsi oa lik'hemik'hale tsa mashala le morekisi.
Khothalletsa Popular Products
Re amohela bareki ba tsoang lefats'eng lohle ho sebelisana le rona.

How does tungsten carbide material made?

In the field of tungsten carbide, there are some different moulding processes

Classification of carbide milling cutters

Classification of carbide milling cutters

The benifit of using tungsten carbide strip

The Ultimate Guide to Tungsten Carbide Strips: Unlocking Superior Wear Resistance Introduction In the field of industrial manufacturing, wear resistance is a key concern. From heavy-duty machinery to delicate tools, components must withstand the abrasion, friction, and impact. This is where tungsten carbide strips emerge as a formidable solution, offering unparalleled durability and longevity.


Welcom to Retop carbide, molekane oa hau bakeng sa litharollo tsa profeshenale indastering e sa mameleng.Welcom to Retop carbide, molekane oa hau bakeng sa litharollo tsa profeshenale indastering e sa mameleng.Bokhoni ba rona ba boenjineri, tlhahiso le ho phethela lihlahisoa tsa sintered bo tsoa ho lilemo tse ngata tsa boiphihlelo ho qala ho tloha 2010.

Ho thoe'ng ka likhoele tse ka har'a thepa ea tungsten carbide?

Retop Carbide ke moetsi le morekisi naheng ea China. E ka fana ka mofuta oa lihlahisoa tse entsoeng ka tungsten carbide, joalo ka likhoele tsa tungsten carbide, sleeve ea tungsten carbide kapa lihlahla, li-nozzles tse entsoeng ka samente, libolo le linkho tse silang joalo-joalo.

Khetho ea lisebelisoa tsa carbide e bohlokoa haholo.

Khetho ea lisebelisoa tsa ho seha carbide

Ke mefuta efe ea lisebelisoa tsa ho seha carbide?

Ho na le mefuta e mengata e fapaneng e fumanehang.Ithute mokhoa oa ho khetha sesebelisoa se nepahetseng bakeng sa litlhoko tsa hau tsa machining.

Mathata a kang ho cheka le moeli o hahiloeng oa ho kenya carbide le mehato e lumellanang

Fumana tharollo ea mathata a tloaelehileng a kenya carbide. Lekola mokhoa oa ho loants'a mathata a ho qhekella le ho tšoenyeha ka maqheka a netefalitsoeng bakeng sa ts'ebetso e ntle

Tungsten carbide bakeng sa MWD/LWD

Tungsten carbide e na le thepa e ntle haholo e nang le boima bo phahameng, bo hanellang mocheso, ho hanyetsa ho roala, matla le ho tiea. Likarolo tsa liaparo tsa Tungsten carbide li sebelisoa haholo ho cheka mokelikeli, ho kolobisa, ho tiisa le ho fana ka maikutlo a lets'oao la pulse joalo-joalo ka MWD & LWD, joalo ka Poppet Tip, Sleeve e ka tlase, kamore ea ho fokotsa phallo, setulo, nozzle, valve ea poppet, sekoaelo sa nko, rotor, stator joalo-joalo.
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